Sonja Diehl is the founder of Art Heals Project.
Sonja spreads so much good everyday and we want to share her mission with everyone.
"Art Heals Project is something that I started about 3 years ago when I was going through some difficult times, and I was thinking to myself, if I'm feeling this way, what can I do for someone to make them feel better?"
"So I'm an art teacher and I'm also an artist and I love to paint. My thought was if I can paint for children that are sick or struggling with their health and totally need a little sunshine to brighten their day, why wouldn't I do that?"
"So I started to create paintings for children that primarily have cancer and I just feel like they need a little bit of joy and sparkle in their life because they're going through so much."
"I write a little card in a note with every painting and make it as personal as possible and decorate the outside of the package and I let them know this is a one-of-a-kind painting. There is one in the world and it is made especially for them because they are so amazing and deserve it."